Thankfulness Episode 20
I am thankful for all of my friends, near and far!
There is something to be said about a good friend! I have been blessed to have so many good people in my life over the years! I hope you all know what you mean to me!
Thankfulness Episode 19
I am thankful for craft shows!
I learn so many new things after each one I attend! I love to see so much creativity!!!
Holiday Craft Show
Come out and see The Curious Coffee Shop in person at the Holiday Craft Show!!!
Masonic Temple
152 N Bird St
Sun Prairie, WI
Thankfulness Episode 16
I am thankful for my new toy, a cricket expression!
I look forward to the many new projects ahead!!!
Thankfulness Episode 14
I am thankful for a blue sky!
Definitely makes you feel better about the day as long as the sky is bright and open!!!
Thankfulness Episode 13
I am totally thankful for my Mum's fried chicken, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy!
Nothing says comfort food like this dish! No one objects when this is on the menu! Instead the table is silent with everyone stuffing their faces!!! Mum, keep up the good work!!!
Thankfulness Episode 12
I am thankful for John Hardy's BBQ!
This is one place I seriously crave from MN when we're in Madison. They have super fantastic pulled pork and jo-jo's (potato-y chips)! I always have at least one jar of their BBQ sauce in my house at any given time!
Thankfulness Episode 11
I am thankful for coffee!!!
Whether it's straight black drip coffee or a venti nonfat triple shot peppermint mocha; I love coffee! The taste is soothing and familiar to me. Definitely my favorite way to start the morning!
Thankfulness Episode 10
I am thankful for a beautiful dusk!
I love all the colors the sky turns! The clear view, the open land and majestic landscape! Welcome home to MN!!!
Thankfulness Episode 8
I'm thankful for dry, warm feet!
There is something to be said about being warm and dry! It's so soothing and comforting!!!
Thankfulness Episode 7
I am thankful for comfortable footwear!
I've been lucky in the fact that my feet don't require tremendous arch support. Thus, my vast collection of Converse All-Stars, and now Crocs!
These, by the way, are my brand new plum Crocs!!!
Before & After
We did some yard work this morning. We started with a yellow yard (leaves) and ended with a green yard! Crazy the amount of leaves we piled up!!! Took five trips to the curb! At least it's done now! Desi even jumped in to help, literally!
Thankfulness Episode 4
I am so glad to know there is a place where I can go to work on projects, leave an utter mess, watch movies, listen to music and create chaos!!!
Thankfulness Episode 3
It has been quite the adventure owning our own house. I wouldn't trade any of those memories!
And I look forward to making many more!!!
Thankfulness Episode 2
Never has anyone been so supportive, loving, patient, kind and selfless!
I am extremely lucky to have found someone so wonderful to spend the rest of my life with!
Been working on a special order these days. Drop me line if you're in need of something special for the Holidays! Times running out! A mere 7 weeks before Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa!!! Get your orders in!
Thankfulness Episode 1
I am so thankful for my puppy Desianna!
She is such a handful, but oh so sweet! She definitely makes each day interesting! She's always full of love and affection for everyone! We got lucky, we were blessed with a good-natured, social puppy!
Thankfulness 2011
Already behind, but hey, that's me for you!
I'm going to push myself for the entire month of November to post at least one thing a day that I'm thankful for! That's a minimum of 30 things within my life that make me smile, laugh, sigh, appreciate, love and give me reason to open my eyes each day! Things that I never want to forget, the silver lining we sometimes have a hard time finding, the special moments created within a second, and things that make my day! 30 is not a lot... but we'll see where it goes before the end of the month!
Show Off
My puppy modeling the new hair flowers I've been working on!
I'm hoping to have them in the shop within the month!!!
New Belgium Brewing Company
My nineth official Okotoberfest is from New Belgium Brewing Company out in Colorado! I know this because Otto & I got to tour the facility last year!!!
This Oktoberfest is called Hoptober, which suits it! There is a definite hoppiness that comes through the smell and initial taste! But it passes quickly leaving behind the sweet maltiness that engulfs your tongue. Yum!!!
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3rd Anniversary
This is how we celebrate a 3rd Anniversary.
We sleep in and have a leisurely breakfast, we take the puppy hiking at Governor Dodge State Park and have a picnic, followed by an introductory trip to the dog park and a romantic dinner out.
How do we end our evening?!
With Starbucks and a Gigi cupcake!!!
Happy 3rd Anniversary my love!!!
Granite City Brewery
The eighth official Oktoberfest is from Granite City Brewery.
Soft amber color with a good hop to malt ratio! Tastes good with a brat & saurkraut on a cool afternoon! The finish is slightly harsh, but not overly so. I especially love the tappings at Granite City due to the fact that they serve free food if you have a Mug Club Membership! ;)
Bell's Brewery

The seventh official Oktoberfest is from Bell's Brewery and is called Oberon.
This one caught me off guard with the hoppiness bursting forth! It's so hoppy I can barely catch the malty after-taste, which is fine with me, I love hops! The color is a lighter amber, and very clear! I would order it again!
August Schell Brewing Co.
The sixth official Oktoberfest is from the August Schell Brewing Co.
This one has a very harsh flavor, not smooth in any way. Definitely one that over powers everything, including whatever you're eating. Don't think I will be drinking that again, unless there are no other choices!
Capital Brewery
My sixth official Oktoberfest is from Capital Brewery here in Madison, WI.
I was patiently each year for this seasonal brew to hit the taps!!! This is my second favorite behind Spaten. This has the right balance of malt & hops to create a crisp, clean taste that leaves a lasting impression; you'll always be wanting another!
As a side note, totally worth heading over to Capital Brewery's Beer Garden!!! Catch a pint on tap and enjoy a wonderful evening outdoors!
Hacker-Pscchorr, Munchen
My fifth offical Oktoberfest is from Hacker-Pschorr, Munchen!
God bless the German Beir Haus!!!! Thank you Essen Haus!
This one is definitely more malty and has a harsher finish compared to Spaten. We decided it wasn't one we should have followed the last one with, but we finished it and enjoyed it just the same.
Spaten, Munchen
My fourth official Oktoberfest is from Spaten, Munchen!
This is my all time favorite Oktoberfest!!! So much so that I hope to go to Germany next year to drink in this brewery's tent for Oktoberfest!!! If want authentic seasonal beer this is the way to go!!! I love everything about it, and can't put any of it into words. Go figure... Just go get some, now!!!
Leinenkugel Brewing Co.
Third official Oktoberfest is from the Leinenkugel Brewing Co.
It's crystal clear, and very bright. There is a strong malty flavor that coats your tongue then slowly fades between drinks. Decent, but not one I would seek out again. Although I would consider it if there is nothing else.
Point Brewing Co.
Second Oktoberfest is from Point Brewing Co.
It was ok. Nothing special, actually quite generic. Don't think I feel the need to seek out to try again.
Vintage Brewing Co
First one to officially check off the list of Oktoberfests this year! The Vintage Brewing Co.
Definitely malty, but I get my hop-y bite! Brilliant amber coloring. Very smooth for a finish. I will be back for more!
Paciugo - verdict
AMAZING!!! EPIC IN A CUP! I feel espresso alone is sad and lonely, but was meant to be had with gelato!!!
Enjoying a delicious affogato with chocolate & peppermint gelato on a hot & beautiful day! Tastes exactly likes an iceed mint mocha!!!
Passed Out Puppy
Desianna got to go Ruff In It Resort from Friday morning to Sunday afternoon, and she loved it! Friday and Saturday she attended Doggie Daycare at the Resort, we figured if she had to be at the kennel she might as well spend most of her time playing with other doggies!!!
We picked her up, and ever since she's been sleeping! She wore herself out with all that playing!!!
New Car
How do you compare the two?
1997 Buick LaSabre vs 2011 Chevy Equinox
It's true, Magnus (Buick) has passed onto... and about time!
We have purchased a new car! The name is still in the works, but I wasted no time personalizing it with my team logo!!!
K-9 Kustard
At the end of date night we decided taking a walk to Michaels Custard might not be a good idea with the weather we had on the way. So, since we were planning on taking Desi with on the walk we picked her up a treat when we went through the drive-through! She totally ignores the world when it comes to K-9 Kustard!!!
I think my first attempt at canning went well! We ended up with 4 jars of cherry pom jelly, 5 jars of grape jelly and 13 jars of apple butter! Now, out of the two I tasted they were most excellent!!!
Fluffy Puppy
Here's the fluffy puppy the night before surgery! We bathed her so she would be nice and clean, but since it's be a while since we groomed her she's super fluffy! So, we trimmed down her face, and now she looks like she has a huge body! Lol! I love fluffy puppy!!!
I've been meaning to do some organizing in the classroom. So, I had an opportunity to make a trip to IKEA this weekend and purchase some very cool items! I can't wait to get them all set up over this next week!!! I will have to post before and after photos!!!